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Back Exercises
Plus Lower back

Pulling movements-substitutable


Rowing movements-substitutable

Dumbbell pullovers

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Hold the dumbbell evenly in both hands, lay crossways or lengthwise on the bench (if your lower back is an issue) and stretch back using the lats.  Keep your shoulders pulled down and tight.


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Keep your chest up and elbows out.  Squeeze the scapulae together and try to touch your chest to the bar.  It's okay if you get within a couple of inches.  For greater resistance, hold weight around your waist with a chain belt, dumbbell between the legs, or a weighted vest.

Reverse grip chins

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Keep your chest up and elbows in.  Squeeze the lats down instead of using your biceps. Try to touch your chest to the bar.  It's okay if you get within a couple of inches.

Assisted chins

Same as chins, but get all the way up and don't lift up on your toes.

Assisted  close grip chins

(not pictured) Use the parallel grip and follow the same directions as Reverse grip chins.

Wide grip pulldowns

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Keep your chest up and elbows out.  Squeeze the scapulae together and try to touch the bar to your upper chest.  It's okay if you get within a couple of inches.

Close grip pulldowns

Keep your chest up and elbows in.  Squeeze the lats down instead of using your biceps. Try to touch the handle to your chest.

Reverse grip pulldowns

(not pictured) Keep your chest up and elbows in.  Squeeze the lats down instead of using your biceps. Try to touch the bar to your chest. 

Behind the neck pulldowns

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Keep your chest up and elbows out.  Squeeze the scapulae together and try to touch the bar to the back of your neck. Pull the bar straight down without leaning back and forth.  It's okay if you get within a couple of inches.

Straight arm pulldowns

Keep your chest out and squeeze the lats and scapulae down and together without bending your arms.  Do not confuse this exercise with tricep pushdowns.  Use a moderate weight to maintain form.

Pulldown machine

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Keep your chest up and elbows in.  Squeeze the scapulae together instead of using your biceps.

  Bent over row

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Bend over at the waist at a near 90 degree angle, keep your chest out and your head up.  Pull your shoulders and scapulae back and down.  Try to touch the bar to your stomach, not your chest. Wear a weightlifting belt.

3/4 reverse grip bent row

Bend over at the waist at a near 45 degree angle, keep your chest out and your head up.  Pull your shoulders back and down and scapulae up and together.  Try to touch the bar to your upper stomach. Wear a weightlifting belt.

Dumbbell row

Bend over at the waist at a near 90 degree angle, leaning with one hand on a steady surface. Keep your chest out and your head up.  Pull your shoulder and scapulae back and down.  Keep your elbow in.  Row the dumbbell to the side of your waist, not your chest. Wear a weightlifting belt.

Cable row

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Keep your upper body perpendicular to the bench.  Pull your shoulders and scapulae back and down.  Try to touch the handle to your stomach, not your chest.  you may try variations with different handles and grips.

Machine row

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Keep your chest up and elbows out. Use a horizontal grip.  Pull your shoulders and scapulae back and down.  Do not lean back with your upper body.  Arch your back slightly to maximize contraction between the shoulder blades.

Supported row

Scapulae adduction

Keep your chest up and elbows out.  Squeeze the scapulae together.  Try to pull the elbows together behind you.  This is not a bicep exercise.

Lower Back


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Keep your back as straight as possible and lift with the legs as much as possible.  Squeeze the scapulae together at the top of the movement.  Wear a belt for this exercise and go heavy.

Good mornings

Keep your chest up and bend over to almost 90 degrees.  Bend your knees slightly and go slow, do not bounce.  Use a moderate weight.

Back extension

On the hyperextension bench, lean over, rounding your back and crunching your abdominals.  Contract the lower back as you raise up parallel to the floor.  Go no higher and do not hyperextend your back.  Go slowly, you may hold weight in your hands as you gain strength.  Do not train to failure on this exercise.  Go until the muscles burn. 


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