Jason Kozma personal training: smpersonaltraining.com, lapersonaltraining.com, jasonkozma.com, lapersonaltrainer.com, www.personaltrainer1.com, gethuge.net/now, joekozma.com
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Leg extension

Keep your knees even with the cam, or slightly in front of it if you have sore knees.  Start light and pyramid up in weight, though never performing fewer than 10 reps.  Extend your legs with a controlled, smooth motion.  Achieve full extension on each rep.  This exercise can also be used as a warm up for your knees at the beginning of your quadricep workout and as a finishing movement at the end.


The Granddaddy of all exercises, the squat separates the men from the boys.  Hold the bar on your traps, keep your back as straight as possible, and squat slowly down to where your thighs are parallel to the floor.  The taller you are, the more difficult this exercise is for you.  Don't bounce out if the bottom.  Keep your tempo even and try to achieve a "pumping" motion, with no pause at the top or bottom until the last few reps.  Wear a weightlifting belt.

Front squat

Folding your arms as pictured, rest the bar on your upper chest and front deltoids (not your neck).  Keep the elbows above parallel to insure that you do not drop the bar.  Keep your back straight and squat to parallel.  Use the same tempo as for squats. Wear a weightlifting belt.

Leg press

Place your feet in the middle of the plate with a shoulder-width stance.  Lower the weight until your thighs touch your stomach and press back up. Hold onto the seat underneath you and tighten your entire body, pushing forward with all of your energy and strength on each rep.  See the TIP in the next column.

Horizontal leg press

On this one you are lifting your upper body up with your legs, rather than moving a foot plate.  Set the machine to get down to a full 90 degree angle for your reps and don't bounce out of the bottom.

Vertical leg press

Universal gym squats

Squats can also be done on a universal gym as pictured here:  Using the chest or shoulder press station.  Make sure you set it to get down to a full 90 degree angle for your reps and don't bounce out of the bottom.

  Lunge forward

Begin by lunging forward until the lower leg forms a slightly sharper than 90-degree angle with the floor. Then continue to drop the following leg until it almost touches the floor.

Single leg press

This will involve more glutes than two-leg press, but you can place your foot lower on the plate to put more work on the quadricep.

Hack squat

Go down slowly until your thighs are at a 90 degree angle to the foot plate.  Do not bounce out of the bottom.


Note: Whenever performing pressing (or any) exercises, never relax any part of your body.  Tension is required for you to be able to lift the weight back up.  At the very bottom of leg press or squats, keep the glutes squeezed as tight as possible and do not attempt to rest at the bottom half of the position.  I like to say that you are always pushing against the weight, even on the way down. You are just pushing less to allow the weight to lower.  Also, do not bounce out of the bottom.  This will strain your knee joint.

Dumbbell squats

robin schaefer dumbbell squats

Do not come below a 90-degree angle, formed by your upper and lower legs, in this movement. Make sure that your feet are shoulder width apart and when you come down your glutes should push backwards.  Always do this in a very slow and controlled manner so you get the most out of it and always pay attention to your form.  You may need to put plates or a board under your heels to keep your balance as you go down.

Plate loaded squat press

This is the same as leg press.


Power Squat Machine 

A good reason to have a spot when you squat


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